IR CUT 650 Wafer Coating  |光學鍍膜|Wafer Coating

IR CUT 650 Wafer Coating

IR CUT 650 Wafer Coating

代碼 wafer-ir-cut-650

人氣 989

Wafer Coating   晶圓鍍膜

Applications are 3D automobile sensor, smart home, phones and wearable devices.
The best wafer coating reliability, well-distributed, and customer service.

Wafer size  2 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 8 , 12 , 16 , 18 inch


    IR CUT 650 nm              

Wave Length(nm) Transmission(%)
420-600nm Tavg>90%
700-1100nm Tavg<3%
640-660nm T50%


 Customer Design 
  • Design and Fabrication upon customer's specifications.
  • Please fill out the Standard Inquiry Form we will contact you ASAP.


Faded Short Sleeve T-shirts

IR CUT 650 Wafer Coating

IR CUT 650 Wafer Coating